Monday 20 December 2010

Republican protest signs

Found a rather amusing site the other day of American Conservatives' protest signs, so I thought I'd mock a few of them further and share them with you all! Click on the images for a larger version:

I'm sorry but I do geography, and can confirm that too much CO2 is a pollutant. This is because of a variety of reasons I won't go into now. And besides, you wouldn't understand it anyway would you?

Also, socialism and fascism are diametrically opposed ideologies. Fascism is the furthest right of the political spectrum, socialism is left. Oh, and socialism is good...
Err... Again, fascism is on the right. You with the sign, are on the right. If you're going to suggest that Obama holds extreme political views, you could at least get the side right... I know the Nazis were called the National Socialists but were fascists, but they were tricky like that...
Actually, there's quite a big difference. The Oxford English Dictionary gives the meaning of 'journalist' as 'a person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news to be broadcast on radio or television.' While a 'socialist' is defined as 'a person who advocates or practises socialism.' Socialism, for the record, is 'a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.' See? That doesn't seem so bad does it?

Yup. That's what you think it is. If there's ever a way to lose credibility faster than this then please, let me know...

I recommend the original site too, there are quite a lot of stupid signs on there with an equal number of amusing comments on them...
Well, that's all I've got for today. Come back soon for more idiot weeding!

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